What can we DUO for you?

Proudly Forming
Your Ideas Since 1968.

Duo-Form has tremendous experience working with and molding a large variety of products. Check out what we can Duo for you- we can be your one-stop shop for custom designed parts and pieces and can offer value-added assembly and custom packing capabilities, allowing us to provide you with beautiful finished products that are ready to go.

Our promise


Conveniently located in southwestern Michigan- manufacturing American-made products for over 50 years.

Duo-Form specializes in thick sheet thermoforming ranging between .030 inches to .500 inches and large sheet capability up to 134 inches x 100 inches. Duo is proud to work with internationally recognized customers in a wide variety of industries. Established in 1968, Duo-Form Plastics is an ISO 9001:2015 registered heavy gauge plastic thermoformer with an ISO 9001 certified Quality Management System. We have on-site design and engineering staff and an in-house tool shop. Our full service product development center offers design, tooling and engineering services such as: color renderings, assembly drawings, CAD models, rapid prototyping, CNC wood patterns, high temp epoxy and ceramic tooling, cast aluminum tooling, and CNC and Robotic trimming fixtures.

But we are so much more than just a “thermoformer”! Let us be your one-stop-shop for custom designed parts, pieces, and solutions.
